China Daily 65 4
AT&T - WarnerMedia - AOL Time Warner 528 4
Dow Jones - MarketWatch 311 4
e4 Engineering 107 4
Россия сегодня МИА - RT - Russia Today 102 3
Комсомольская правда ИД 66 3
National Geographic 84 3
Independent 111 3
Physical Review Letters 113 3
PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 3
GlobeNewswire - Global Wireless News 125 3
Flight Global 78 3
PC Magazine - PCMag 85 3
Computer Weekly 374 3
Future - 198 3
Vnunet 224 3
Bloomberg Businessweek 122 3
Silicon 481 3
InterNetNews - 218 3
PhysicsWorld 90 3
CNews Орудия Апокалипсиса 35 3
ComputerWorld 144 3
Science Advances 30 3
9to5Mac 70 3
Pocket-Lint 71 3
BleepingComputer - Издание 286 3
The Washington Post 321 3
Defense Talk 40 3
Казахстан Сегодня 308 3
TDaily - TelecomDaily - Telecom Daily News 280 3
Мобильные системы 114 2
South China Morning Post 44 2
Los Angeles Times - Лос-Анджелес Таймс 69 2
Atmospheric Science Letters 2 2
Optics 139 2
ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Австралийская вещательная корпорация 2 2
Politico 12 2
Playboy 51 2
Upside Today 59 2
Faulkner Information Services 100 2