AT&T - WarnerMedia - CNN Money - CNNfn 934 103
Thomson Reuters - Reuters Group - Рейтер 5846 64
AT&T - WarnerMedia - AOL Time Warner 528 55
CNET Networks - CNET News 1642 45
Dow Jones - MarketWatch 311 30
DigiTimes - Издание 1309 17
РБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг 11121 12
Nikkei - Nihon Keizai Shimbun 514 8
NYT - The New York Times 1016 8
EE Times 158 7 117 7
Известия ИД 570 7
CNews - ZOOM.CNews 1818 6
The Register 1530 6
Dow Jones - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal 1267 5
AT&T - WarnerMedia - Time Warner - Warner Communications Inc. и Time Inc 607 5
Bloomberg 1212 5
Commercial Times 94 5 54 4
Engadget - Блог о технологиях 422 4
Telecom Today - Today in Telecom 138 4
TAdviser - Центр выбора технологий 364 4
FT - Financial Times 1197 4
AppleInsider 393 4 364 3
Dow Jones - Barron's 26 3
CNews - Auto.CNews 51 3
Forbes - Форбс 729 3
Dow Jones Business News 88 3
Times 607 3
Electronic News 60 3
Ars Technica 407 2
Computer Weekly 374 2
Cellular News 234 2
NBC News 180 2
Yahoo! Finance 119 2
TechRadar 89 2
ComputerWorld 144 2
RCR News 107 2
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation - Британская вещательная корпорация 2686 2