Ростелеком - Сόлар ГК - Ростелеком-Солар - Solar MSS ERA - Event Registration and Analysis - Экосистема управляемых сервисов кибербезопасности 127 1
R-Vision TDP - R-Vision Threat Deception Platform 11 1
Сбер - BI.Zone - SSDLC 2 1
Security Vision IRP SOAR - Security Vision Incident Response Platform 56 1
Positive Technologies - PT ISIM - Industrial Security Incident Manager 72 1
Security Vision TIP - Security Vision Threat Intelligence Platform 14 1
Security Vision BCP - Security Vision Business Continuity Plan 3 1
Security Vision Anomaly Detection 4 1
Ростелеком - ГОСТ VPN - Gost VPN 47 1
Ростелеком - Сόлар ГК - Ростелеком-Солар - Solar webProxy - шлюз веб-безопасности 133 1
Kaspersky Secure Connection - Kaspersky Secure Remote Workspace, KSRW - Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway - Kaspersky Security Mail Gateway - Kaspersky SMTP-Gateway - Kaspersky Linux Mail Server 58 1
МегаФон Security Awareness 5 1
ФСБ РФ - ГосСОПКА - Государственная система обнаружения, предупреждения и ликвидации последствий компьютерных атак 249 1
Security Vision UEBA - Security Vision User and Entity Behavior Analytics 7 1
Ростелеком - Сόлар ГК - Ростелеком-Солар - Solar addVisor - система повышения эффективности труда 39 1
Сбер - BI.Zone Compliance Platform - BI.Zone GRC - BI.Zone Governance, Risk and Compliance 14 1
Сбер - BI.Zone SOC - BI.Zone Security Operation Center - BI.ZONE IRP - BI.ZONE Incident Response Plan - BI.ZONE DFIR - BI.ZONE Digital Forensics and Incident Response - Реагирование и расследования инцидентов ИБ 12 1
Сбер - BI.Zone WAF - BI.Zone Web Application Firewall 27 1
Kaspersky GAT - Kaspersky Gamified Assessment Tool - Kaspersky Security Assessment - Kaspersky Application Security Assessment 2 1
Kaspersky MDR - Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response - KMDR 23 1
Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management - Kaspersky MDM 4 1
Positive Technologies - PT NGFW - PT Next-Generation Firewall 46 1
R-Vision SIEM 17 1
Сбер - BI.Zone EDR - BI.Zone Endpoint Detection and Response - BI.Zone Sensors 15 1
R-Vision SGRC - R-Vision Security Governance, Risk Management and Compliance - Р-Вижн ЦКИБ - Р-Вижн Центр контроля информационной безопасности  22 1
Security Vision SOC - Security Vision Security Operation Center 7 1
Security Vision КИИ - Security Vision Критическая Информационная Инфраструктура 8 1
Security Vision a-SGRC - auto-SGRC - Security Vision Security Governance, Risk Management 20 1
Positive Technologies - PT BlackBox - PT BlackBox Scanner DAST-сканер 21 1
Security Vision VM - Security Vision Vulnerability Management - Security Vision VA - Security Vision Vulnerability Assessment - Security Vision Vulnerability Scanner - управление уязвимостями 11 1
Сбер - BI.Zone TDR - BI.Zone Threat Detection and Response 24 1
UserGate MC - UserGate Management Center 10 1
Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform - KATA 118 1
R-Vision TIP - R-Vision Threat Intelligence Platform - R-Vision TI Feed - R-Vision Threat Intelligence Feed 27 1
R-Vision UEBA - R-Vision User and Entity Behavior Analytics 4 1
МегаФон SOC - Security Operations Center - МегаФон SIEM - Security Information and Event Management 2 1
Positive Technologies - PT XDR - PT Extended Detection and Response - PT EDR - PT Endpoint Detection and Response 21 1
MITRE ATT&CK - MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge - Структурированный список поведений киберпреступников 100 1
Kaspersky Threat Intelligence services - Kaspersky TIP - Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal - Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Reporting - Kaspersky Threat Attribution Engine Kaspersky -  Open Source Software Threats Data Feed - Kaspersky Threat Management 56 1
Сбер - BI.Zone CESP - BI.Zone Cloud Email Security & Protection 26 1